TurboTurboBoost sets their die to
JollyVillian rolls a die and gets
The building row is refilled from the building board
Checking owner rewards...
Checking visitor rewards...
JollyVillian receives a bonus decision
Sell goods
The last tile of the building row is discarded :
JollyVillian receives a bonus decision
JollyVillian ship completed its journey by reaching the end of the river
JollyVillian sails and moves a
ship to river space #5
JollyVillian sets their die to
JollyVillian undoes their action
08:24 PM
melsilliker rolls a die and gets
melsilliker discards a customer card
melsilliker receives a new customer card
melsilliker receives a new customer card
melsilliker decides to refill their hand now
melsilliker gets 2 influence in region #6
and reaches
melsilliker delivers a customer card : Artisan 6
02:28 PM
melsilliker sets their die to
melsilliker undoes their action
02:27 PM
vialiy rolls a die and gets
vialiy gets 1 influence in region #3
and reaches
vialiy gets 1 influence in region #2
and reaches
Checking royal ship abilities...
Checking owner rewards...
Checking visitor rewards...
vialiy sails and moves a
ship to river space #5
02:25 PM
TurboTurboBoost rolls a die and gets
The building row is refilled from the building board
End of TurboTurboBoost turn
TurboTurboBoost gets 1 influence in region #1
and reaches
JollyVillian rolls a die and gets
Checking owner rewards...
Checking visitor rewards...
JollyVillian sails and moves a
ship to river space #10
JollyVillian undoes their action
07:28 PM
melsilliker rolls a die and gets
The building row is refilled from the building board
melsilliker gets 4 influence in region #1
and reaches
vialiy rolls a die and gets
vialiy discards a customer card
vialiy receives a new customer card
vialiy receives a new customer card
vialiy decides to refill their hand now
vialiy upgrade a standard ship (at space #2)
vialiy receives a bonus decision
vialiy gets 2 influence in region #3
and reaches
vialiy delivers a customer card : Noble 3
TurboTurboBoost rolls a die and gets
The building row is refilled from the building board
End of TurboTurboBoost turn
TurboTurboBoost receives 3
03:28 PM
Checking owner rewards...
TurboTurboBoost receives 1
TurboTurboBoost receives 1
TurboTurboBoost receives 1
TurboTurboBoost receives 1
TurboTurboBoost receives 1
Checking visitor rewards...
The last tile of the building row is discarded :
TurboTurboBoost receives a bonus decision
TurboTurboBoost ship completed its journey by reaching the end of the river
TurboTurboBoost sails and moves a
ship to river space #4
03:27 PM
JollyVillian rolls a die and gets
JollyVillian discards a customer card
12:23 PM
JollyVillian receives a new customer card
JollyVillian receives a new customer card
JollyVillian decides to refill their hand now
JollyVillian gets 3 influence in region #4
and reaches
JollyVillian delivers a customer card : Merchant 4
JollyVillian sets their die to
melsilliker rolls a die and gets
Checking owner rewards...
melsilliker gets 2 influence in region #3
and reaches
Checking visitor rewards...
melsilliker sails and moves a
ship to river space #7
10:53 AM
vialiy rolls a die and gets
The building row is refilled from the building board
Checking owner rewards...
Checking visitor rewards...
The last tile of the building row is discarded :
vialiy receives a bonus decision
vialiy ship completed its journey by reaching the end of the river
vialiy sails and moves a
ship to river space #2
10:16 AM
vialiy restarts their turn
10:15 AM
TurboTurboBoost rolls a die and gets
The building row is refilled from the building board
End of TurboTurboBoost turn
TurboTurboBoost receives 1
TurboTurboBoost gets 3 influence in region #6
and reaches
JollyVillian rolls a die and gets
The building row is refilled from the building board
JollyVillian gets 2 influence in region #3
and reaches
JollyVillian undoes their action
02:16 AM
melsilliker rolls a die and gets
The building row is refilled from the building board
melsilliker gets 4 influence in region #3
and reaches
vialiy rolls a die and gets
vialiy receives a new customer card
vialiy receives a new customer card
vialiy places a ship on the river (at space #12)
vialiy rolls a die and gets
vialiy places a ship on the river (at space #7)
vialiy rolls a die and gets
vialiy places their clan markers
TurboTurboBoost rolls a die and gets
TurboTurboBoost receives a new customer card
TurboTurboBoost receives a new customer card
TurboTurboBoost places a ship on the river (at space #13)
TurboTurboBoost rolls a die and gets
TurboTurboBoost places a ship on the river (at space #6)
TurboTurboBoost rolls a die and gets
TurboTurboBoost places their clan markers
JollyVillian rolls a die and gets
JollyVillian receives a new customer card
JollyVillian receives a new customer card
JollyVillian places a ship on the river (at space #13)
JollyVillian rolls a die and gets
JollyVillian places a ship on the river (at space #5)
JollyVillian rolls a die and gets
JollyVillian places their clan markers
melsilliker rolls a die and gets
melsilliker receives a new customer card
melsilliker receives a new customer card
melsilliker places a ship on the river (at space #11)
melsilliker rolls a die and gets
melsilliker places a ship on the river (at space #4)
melsilliker rolls a die and gets
melsilliker places their clan markers
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