Вашата цел в Draftosaurus е да създадете дино парк, който привлича най-много посетители.
За целта, трябва да си подберете динозаври и да ги поставите в различни клетки, всяка от които има различни условия, за това кой може да живее в нея.
Всеки ход един от играчите хвърля зар, който добавя ограничение към кои клетки всеки друг играч може да добави своя динозавър.
Draftosaurus е бърза и лесна игра, в която вместо да си подавате карти, от които да избирате една, си подавате шепа динозавърчета.
Брой играчи: 2 - 5
Продължителност на играта: 5 mn
Сложност: 2 / 5
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Обобщение на правилата
Draft dinosaurs and place them in different zones to get the most points.
- The game consists of 2 rounds (or 4 rounds in a 2-player game).
- Each player draws 6 dinosaurs from the bag.
- The player with the placement die rolls it.
- Each player chooses a dinosaur and places it in their zoo at the same time, following the rules on the placement die (except the roller, who can place anywhere).
- In a 2-player game, each player then discards one of the remaining dinosaurs (you might like to imagine it was loaned to an overseas petting zoo).
- Each player passes their dinosaur bag and placement die (if they had it) to their left.
- Repeat until all dinosaurs are placed.
- After 2 rounds, proceed to scoring.
- At the end of the game you'll have placed 12 dinosaurs: 6 in round 1, 6 in round 2.
- In the event of a tie, the player who has fewest T-Rexes wins. If they are still tied, the players share the win.
- There are 6 species of dinosaurs, distributed as follows:
- 5p: 60 dinos. 10 x 6 different species
- 4p: 48 dinos. 8 x 6 different species
- 3p: 36 dinos. 6 x 6 different species
- 2p: 48 dinos. 8 x 6 different species
Placement Dice
- Woodlands: You must place the dinosaur in a green area.
- Grasslands: You must place the dinosaur in a brown area.
- Food Court: You must place the dinosaur in an area on the left.
- Restrooms: You must place the dinosaur in an area on the right.
- Empty Pen: You must place the dinosaur in an empty pen.
- Watch Out for T-Rex: You must place the dinosaur in a pen without a T-Rex (red). Note: You can still play a T-Rex this turn, as long as there isn't one already in the pen in question.
- Each zoo has 6 pens and a river.
- River: It is not treated as a pen. Each dinosaur in it provides 1 point.
- T-Rex: Each pen with at least 1 T-Rex in it scores 1 extra point.
- The Forest of Sameness: This pen can only hold dinosaurs of the same species. It provides 2/4/8/12/18/24 points depends on the number.
- The Meadow of Differences: This pen can only hold dinosaurs of different species. It provides 1/3/6/10/15/21 points depends on the number.
- The Prairie of Love: This pen can hold dinosaurs of any species. It provides 5 points for each pair of dinosaurs of the same species (couple).
- The Woody Trio: This pen can only hold up to 3 dinosaurs of any species. It provides 7 points if there are exactly 3 dinosaurs.
- King of the Jungle: This pen can only hold 1 dinosaur. It provides 7 points if your zoo contains the most dinosaurs of that species. Ties are broken in your favour.
- Solitary Island: This pen can only hold 1 dinosaur. It provides 7 points if your zoo contains only 1 of that species (Solitary Island).
- A Well-Ordered Wood: This pen can only hold two different species of dinosaurs in an alternating order, from left to right. It provides 2/4/8/12/18/24 points depending on the number.
- Lovers' Bridge (left and right): This pen is divided into 2 sub-pens, each of which can hold dinosaurs of any species. It provides 6 points for each pair of dinosaur couples with one member in each sub-pen.
- The Pyramid: The pen can only hold up to 6 dinosaurs. Two dinosaurs of the same species cannot be placed adjacently. It provides 2/4/6/10/14/21 points depending on the number.
- The Lookout: This pen can only hold 1 dinosaur. It provides 2 points per dinosaur of the same species in the zoo of the player on your right.
- Quarantine Zone: This pen can only hold 1 dinosaur. Move this dinosaur into another pen or the river before counting your points.