{NB_PLAYERS_CONNECTED} онлайн играчи: {IN_GAME} играят • {WAITING} на линия

If you see this message, it means that your browser failed to load this file.

You should try the following : check your connection, disable ad-blocker, clear your browser cache, try in private mode, try from another browser/computer/connection.

BGA отстраняване на проблеми 3/3 : testing advanced stuff

Starting tests ...

Current state of your real-time connection to BGA server :

Trying to establish a simple connection to real-time server ... In progress ...

Measuring server response time for simple queries ... In progress ...

Measuring real-time service response time when making game action... In progress ...

If everything is in green above, we detect nothing wrong with your connection and your configuration.

If at least one test have FAILED, you should retry the test several times, and try from different browsers / computers / internet connections to check if the issue comes from one of these. Please contact us (Contact us) with a copy of this page if you can't manage to find the source of the issue.

Зареждане на приложението... ...