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Lost Ruins of Arnak доклади
#75822: "Lost ruins of arnak very glitchy on iphone"
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Every game I played lost ruins of arnak has been buggy on my iPhone. Whenever I zoom in, I often get an error blank screen or cards gone missing in the game or meeple placement is messed up so I keep needing to refresh which is a bit irksome. I also noticed when I zoom in, even when I place the view to the one square box (there is a button with two squares, one square, and “auto”), it keeps going back to auto once I zoom in which might contribute to all the glitches. My partner does not have this issue on android, but iPhone it has been a pain. Also, there is no iPhone app for BGA and he was using the app on android without any issues to this game. Would be nice to have this fixed soon!• Какъв е вашия браузър?
Safari v15.6
История на докладванията
elusivecactus • Разработчиците все още не са успели да възпроизведат бъга:
ное 15 th 2022 14:11 • Playing lost ruins of arnak on iPhone had glitches occurring every time I played and needed to zoom in to read cards.
clarum28 • Разработчиците все още не са успели да възпроизведат бъга:
фев 26 th 2023 12:09 • This happens all the time. Constant crashing on iPhone no matter which browser I use on iPhone. This is the only game I play that has this issue. F5 does not solve the problem - just causes it to repeat over and over again.
killzusall • Разработчиците все още не са успели да възпроизведат бъга:
юни 28 th 2023 7:51 • Disabling shadows and animations from the menu when the game is open seems to have sorted it for me so far
shimmydave • Разработчиците все още не са успели да възпроизведат бъга:
юли 18 th 2023 20:33 • Thank you soo much Killzusall, disabling shadows worked for me on my iPhone. I can finally play this game without constant crashing!
bushkanaka86 • Разработчиците все още не са успели да възпроизведат бъга:
сеп 11 th 2023 21:50 • I also play on an iPhone and almost every time I open it, I end up with a frozen game screen. It seems to happen if I zoom in or if I scroll up and down to look at my resources and the bottom of the game board. I have to refresh the page and hope I can complete my action before it glitches again.
justghosting • Разработчиците все още не са успели да възпроизведат бъга:
сеп 23 rd 2023 13:00 • When playing on iPhone, the game freezes and will not load. When page is refreshed, page will still not load and does not display full content. Must close the webpage and reopen a new page, then log back on. This happens multiple times during the game and increases in frequency as the game progresses. I have no issues when playing from laptop, only from iPhone.
nater104 • Разработчиците все още не са успели да възпроизведат бъга:
окт 11 th 2023 4:34 • So frustrating playing on iphone. Constantly having to reload if I zoom in or sometimes even scrolling down. Seemed to be worse as the game went on.
Another game they had to lower the quality of rendering or something like that in safari and it stopped glitching. Please fix.
Another game they had to lower the quality of rendering or something like that in safari and it stopped glitching. Please fix.
nater104 • Разработчиците все още не са успели да възпроизведат бъга:
окт 11 th 2023 4:39 • A problem repeatedly occurred on "boardgamearena.com/10/a
showerbee • Разработчиците все още не са успели да възпроизведат бъга:
фев 20 th 2024 12:20 • Mostly unplayable on iPhone. Any zoom operation leads to an issue. Most games are okay with mobile but Arnak is most definitely not.
epwx10 • Разработчиците все още не са успели да възпроизведат бъга:
мар 9 th 2024 0:52 • Every time I try to play on iPhone it just constantly refreshes and sometimes doesn’t load the screen. Makes it hard to play. Almost quit the game a few times because of not being able to complete my action several times.
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- Друга маса ID / Ход ID
- F5 реши ли проблема?
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