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11 231 000 опонента за предизвикване на 988 игри.
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7 560 000 игри играни всеки месец
Налична е на 42 езика и в повече от 200 страни.
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Присъединете се към игрите с класации и посрещнете нови предизвикателства. Най-добрите играчи се издигат в ранковете!
Нека опитаме!
Преместете картата на свободното място. Това е толкова просто, колкото изглежда.
Най-добрите игри от вчера и днес, адаптирани за онлайн игра.
Carcassone, Coloretto, Kahuna, Alhambra, Lost Cities, Race for the Galaxy, Can't Stop, Stone Age, Puerto Rico, Amyitis, Haggis, Tobago, Uncle Chestnut's Table Gype, Troyes / Троа, Diam's, Hawaii, Dragonheart, Saboteur, China Gold, In The Year of the Dragon, Color Pop, Gomoku, Caylus, Seasons, United Square, Gygès, Jaipur, The Boss, Reversi, Hearts
Виж всички
Takenoko, Niagara, Quarto, K2, Expedition: Northwest Passage, Quoridor, Tournay, Battle Sheep, Yahtzee, Cinco, Табла, Сенет, Machiavelli, Libertalia, Neutreeko, Perudo, Nautilus, Koi-Koi, P.I., Pylos, Elfenland, Djambi, Gear & Piston, Kabaleo, Targi, Thermopyles, Isaac, Дама, Sobek, Hive, Tzolk'in, Шах, Spyrium, Tokaido, Time Masters, Armadöra, The Jelly Monster Lab, Hex, 6 nimmt!, Twin Tin Bots, Kalah, Through the Ages, 8 Masters' Revenge, Koryŏ, Hanabi, Polis: Fight for Hegemony, Tash-Kalar, Quantum, Assyria, The Palaces of Carrara, Florenza: The Card Game, Lords of Xidit, Noir: Killer versus Inspector, Colt Express, Metromania, Dark Agent, Le Dernier Peuple, Bombay, Battle of LITS, Сянци, Keyflower, Logger, Dungeon Twister, Evo: The “Game no Name”, Nile, Four Color Cards, Madeira, Love Letter, crazyfarmers, Hack Trick, Jump Gate, Belote, Oh Hell!, Dragon Line, KQJ, Legendary Inventors, Eruption, Celestia, Nippon, Go, Remember When, Bubblee Pop, Caribbean All Fours, Secret Moon, Russian Railroads, Nine Men's Morris, Tablut, Lines of Action, Incan Gold, Alveole, Takara Island, Lewis & Clark, Stir Fry Eighteen, The Builders: Middle Ages, Gaïa, Veggie Garden, Outlaws: Last Man Standing, Coup, The Battle for Hill 218, Battleships Pencil & Paper, Origin, Innovation, Roll for the Galaxy, Ice Cold Ice Hockey, Khronos, Terra Mystica, Solo, Dragon Keeper: The Dungeon, Signorie, Krosmaster Arena, Taluva, Hypnosia, Dice Forge, French Tarot, Guildes, Eminent Domain, 7 Wonders, Копчета, Briscola, ruhr, thebuildersantiquity, pennypress, Blooms, pontedeldiavolo, toc, notalone, clansofcaledonia, throughtheagesnewstory, werewolves, For Sale, Кралската гилдия, Kingdomino, Circle of Life, Dragon Castle, saintpoker, palace, skat, lagranja, GORami, NXS, sapiens, Мамалат, finity, yokohama, Red7, ginkgopolis, Sushi Go!, explorationwarzone, veletas, ninetynine, Теотихуакан: Градът на боговете, marram, Potion Explosion, papayoo, rallymangt, Йокай, Con Sonar!, Bobail, bigtimesoccer, Connect Four, Маракеш, ToeShamBo, hungariantarokk, Коинш, whisttwentytwo, Време за чай, cityofthebigshoulders, president, Downforce, Санторини, barbu, kulami, dingosdreams, marcopolo, 99 (addition card game), Lucky Numbers, roomtwentyfive, Бандидо, КоБёрдс, smallislands, flamingpyramids, Крибидж, Soluna, unconditionalsurrender, Butterfly, klaverjassen, Connect 6, turnthetide, trekkingtheworld, offtherails, Forbidden Island, kingdombuilder, yinyang, saintpetersburg, Chakra, kami, fistfulofgold, krosmasterblast, steamworks, quantik, mrjack, tichu, thurnandtaxis, Martian Dice, Какао, spades, geekoutmasters, pinochle, solarstorm, fleet, illustori, quetzal, The Crew, ageofinnovation, Biyi, marcopolotwo, dungeonroll, Oh-Seven, boomerangaustralia, dicesummoners, luxor, Piraten kapern, pedro, handandfoot, Medo, viamagica, grosstarock, 7 Wonders Дуел, welcometonewlasvegas, Automobiles, nangaparbat, emdomicrocosm, solowhist, crimezoom, Letter Tycoon, mapmaker, Concept, Каркасон: Ловци и събирачи, Haiclue, Thrive, Просто десерти, mijnlieff, Dungeon Petz, phat, carnegie, Динозавърско чаено парти, caravan, elgrande, Rage, balloonpop, schroedingerscats, Herooj, one, No Thanks!, Welcome To, Големия пазар, liverpoolrummy, Squadro, My First Castle Panic, blueskies, Res Arcana, Draftosaurus, bids, dragonwood, thirteenclues, homesteaders, Джекил срещу Хайд, rolledwest, Murus Gallicus, restinpeace, БУМ!, dicehospital, Zener, Wizard, theninedomains, veronatwist, oriflamme, trickoftherails, texasholdem, lineae, herrlof, Абис, fluxx, quinque, medina, Tranquility, Vulture Culture, parisconnection, chicagoexpress, Hoarders, onceuponaforest, getthemacguffin, Sheep Boom Bah, Senshi, detectivepoker, hardback, sparts, baolakiswahili, Abalone, superfantasybrawl, Blaze, queenskings, calypso, Hugo, Onitama, nidavellir, Skull, railroadink, nainjaune, Uptown, Go Nuts for Donuts, penaltychallenge, beyondthesun, pingimus, Lost Ruins of Arnak, Пандемия, Viticulture, Codex Naturalis, Conspiracy, paniclab, Mattock, The Castles of Burgundy, forex, Monster Factory, That's Life! Такъв е животът!, Splendor, iwari, chinesecheckers, sevens, Happy City, Gopher, bug, LLAMA, Sobek: 2 Players, crazyeights, cloudcity, Trek 12, goldwest, fifteendays, burglebros, egocentricworld, durak, newfrontiers, epizodiak, Linkage, Troyes Dice, Patchwork, boomerangeurope, boomerangusa, Spirits of the Forest, coinage, cardiceo, Abandon All Artichokes, chocolatefactory, spacebase, kingofthepitch, Агрикола, heroesofhellas, Great Western Trail, canosa, faifo, troggu, talon, starfluxx, Кралят на Токио, riftforce, guile, factum, lostexplorers, railwaysoftheworld, tapestry, mascarade, Dodo, Покер Пирамида, throneandthegrail, dicedtomatoes, minnesotawhist, evl, bossquest, nicodemus, sensei, Azul, Dobble, artdecko, castlesofcaleira, stella, Japanese (Riichi) Mahjong, Simplicity, clashofdecks, mercadodelisboaste, Similo, Never Drop, century, deus, feastforodin, thecrewdeepsea, almadi, Can't Stop Express, ultimaterailroads, buyword, spaceempires, scopa, ladyandthetiger, theisleofcats, Imhotep, Проектът Гая, steamrollers, glow, mue, Lady's Choice, pente, Silo, Citadels, zola, Chromino, kmakici, bigmonster, samarkand, livingforest, imtheboss, tumbleweed, zooloretto, Камъни наопаки, homeworlds, bahamataxi, pyrgos, Las Vegan, 7 Wonders Architects, Blood Rage, chimerastation, Loco Momo, trusis, themotherroad, Rainbow, morocco, tinyfarms, Icebreaker, fruitpicking, tigriseuphrates, yaniv, Just One, littlefactory, worldwidetennis, Катан, twinpalms, Билет за път, scriptoria, narabi, Tucano, vektorace, crusadersthywillbedone, Копенхаген, commanderchess, piereighteen, arcticscavengers, vegetables, Noah, minhwatu, hydroracers, trellis, roppyakken, memoir, Sushi Go Party!, farmclub, iceandthesky, krakenup, Fairy Trails, robotsateourpizza, heckinhounds, splito, tinnerstrail, Next Station: London, rive, hoola, getonboard, oust, Бета, cephalopod, coupell, rollingpins, kingdoms, Bärenpark, breakthecode, seikatsu, redstone, Baby Dinosaur Rescue, dragonbridge, jumpdrive, Soulaween, itsawonderfulworld, draftcider, Fractal, yokaiseptet, dicethemepark, evergreen, strands, gangsta, gardennation, barrage, pugsinmugs, spacestationphoenix, regicide, regidice, lifeline, mow, dinnerinparis, ekonos, Yoxii, Tic-Tac Match, dotsandboxes, warchest, lamarcheducrabe, rollandbump, Konane, raubbau, goodcopbadcop, tinyepicdefenders, Nova Luna, laserreflection, Sea Salt & Paper, gofish, ghostathome, Криле (Wingspan), Hadron, impasse, greatsplit, tienlen, obsession, quintus, Art Thief, tinyturbocars, megalomania, herd, My Shelfie, lookatthestars, dronesvsseagulls, meridians, streets, villagers, capereurope, gangofdice, mycity, blackjack, diablo, caverna, tranquilitytheascent, dontgointhere, metro, Super Mega Lucky Box, gizmos, microdojo, thegnomesofzavandor, tiwanaku, catcafe, perikles, Dice Hospital: ER – Emergency Roll, Vidrasso, rallymandirt, challengers, seotda, Flume, bandada, noneshallpass, Hokito, cosmosempires, sasaki, Валбара, cubosaurs, Coins, painttheroses, mechadream, eriantys, riftvalleyreserve, Lost Seas, fightthelandlord, lumen, Lielow, rauha, ageofcivilization, Mod Ten, setup, Earth, zefiria, turncoats, 61 Autumn leaves, nylonppong, splashdown, photosynthesis, Diceathlon, anachrony, mapsofmisterra, bamboozle, twentyfourseven, gogoa, thefoxintheforest, triatri, ultimatetictactoe, shogun, giftoftulips, astra, tuned, colorflush, rollintotown, tanghulu, Rainforest (Дъждовна гора), boop, Applejack, aves, Ark Nova, Spots, stockpile, reflectionsinthelookingglass, nextstationtokyo, architectsofthewestkingdom, Bunny Kingdom, rolltothetopjourneys, Trio, doglover, blockarena, hadara, legendraiders, oasis, Qawale, ticketgagnant, okanagan, exitstrategy, thegreatamericanfoxhunt, spiteandmalice, lineit, bigtwo, volto, akropolis, hanamikoji, allin, decrypto, pocketcats, evolution, getonboardparisrome, sakura, mindup, thirtyone, golf, mia, pokerdice, thenumber, sagani, farkle, empireplateau, Divercité, cucco, digupadventure, elawa, afterus, knockoutwhist, expeditions, cucumber, skatelegend, fika, daybreak, ontour, crypt, knarr, isleoftrainsallaboard, turingmachine, Trike, germanwhist, sergeantmajor, starshipmerchants, toepen, ageofchampagne, pook, mighty, envelopesofcash, sahwari, tortugasixteensixtyseven, openfacechinesepoker, divideetimpera, colorado, hadrianswall, timelinetwist, dobbleconnect, goldblivion, rummy, wastelandia, quibbles, nap, twotenjack, vault, perfectwords, 12 Chip Trick, canvas, ecarte, schnapsen, kingsinthecorner, cairn, euchre, wizardsgrimoire, neom, Forest Shuffle, nowboarding, terranova, stupormundi, zuuli, draculahelsing, humanity, bagofchips, praga, ancientknowledge, amalfi, Pax Pamir: Second Edition, ginrummy, xxung, Botanik, thattimeyoukilledme, quirkyquarks, oneohone, piepmatz, mycityrb, moonriver, newyorkzoo, Faraway, ynarosfallin, DVONN, Let's Catch the Lion!, fortytwo, Жега: Газ до дупка, threethousandscoundrels, orionduel, dogpark, skyteam, tholos, Oxono, mastersofrenaissance, linx, mutantcrops, Framework, planetunknown, thewaytojuliet, biomos, shogi, Donuts, caboodle, Ticket to Ride: Европа, thewolves, romirami, Splendor Duel, maracaibo, eightyeight, dominoes, Inverted Dice, vaultdenofthieves, altered, paxrenaissance, Azul: Summer Pavilion, wonderfulkingdom, pond, gosux, Captain Flip, flipfreighters, hens, Тераформирай Марс, unrest, federation, grumblestone, Вечен дом, openseason, undergrove, leroydesribauds, valeofeternity, Flowers, boreal, wordtraveler, theshipwreckarcana, Експлодиращи Котенца, mandala, treos, cannonades, pixies, hiddenleaders, Mojo, nimalia, solstis, mythicbattlesragnarok, MLEM: Space Agency, alakablast, trailblazers, looot, cheeztricks, goblinhood, quattuorreges, glassroad, battlespiritssaga, spellbook, minirogue, fourgardens, mate, eck, River Valley Glassworks, goldncrash, ludo, quartermastergeneraleastfront, thebrambles, aurum, flowersmandalagame, hund, auntiemildred, coalbaron, quato, draftandwriterecords, nachopile, grund, chemicaloverload, maatatahay, sevenknightsbewitched, dobro, cradletograve, gostop, amazonas, stonks, fromage, roadtothreehoundred, micromidgard, sherlockthirteen, newton, crisps, thefoxintheforestduet, fivethreefive, tikal, Distilled, highseason, bacon, catinthebox, khiva, tapas, golems, Small World, forks, greasyspoon, dickory, metz, festivibes, nextstationparis, riverofgold, danceofmuses, Картографи, takenokolor, scythe, circleoflifesavannah, megajackpot, Harmonies, slide, enemyanemone, fibonachos, springcleaning, lunar, golfie, lure, zookeepers, dicycards, pescadonovo, claim, thelast, pathofcivilization, castlecombo, onda, resolve, middleages, festival, finca, Qango, ratjack, belladonebluff, parklife, cookieaddict, dinogenics, canasta, expressions, aniversus, powervacuum, diamonds, batalladecoronas, strawberrysunset, blot, zenith, mountaingoats, agestofrobinhood, insidejob, harvest, norsemen, cosmoctopus, sail, personanongrata, Gnome Hollow, tulipandrose, bonsai, capybarancapybara, odicey, botanicus, grovesolitaire, forage, nanatoridori, orchard, cairocorridor, Odin, inori, gammelogic, lepidoptery, fornorthwood, naishi, bauer, orleans, fivetribes, arctic, darwinsjourney, dungeonrummy, kiriaitheduel, eternitium, theyellowhouse, girafferaffe, kamon, duckcover, karvi, umbrella, letsgotojapan, safariwitness, ekko, gemsofiridescia, survive, potionsofazerland, kado, rumbleplanet, mexica, knister, stalkexchange, theittybittycardgame, superstore, refuge, pentaquest, bunnyboom, beerbread, resist, pyramidoft, splitter, stonespinearchitects, dedale, architectsofamytis, pandaspin, ratsofwistar, quartzdice, deadcells, ninjan, choconnect, quadratacanada, theguildofmerchantexplorers, nibble, mindcycling, dicedveggies, shutthebox
You play the games in your browser which is great.
App news
Jan 2016
Very popular with the online board gaming community.
Chaz Marler
Dec 2016
BGA has digital board games you won't find anywhere else.
Dave Neumann
Jan 2016
Drei Klicks zum Spielstart.
Jan Drewitz
2014 - Fairplay #9
Allez vous entrainer sur BGA, et foutre la patée à tous vos potes.
Dr Mops
TTtv BGA de l`interview
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Присъедини се към най-голямата маса за настолни игри в света.
Board Game Arena е най-голямата онлайн услуга за настолни игри в света.
Повече от 11 милиона противници, които да предизвикате в 988 знаменити настолни игри.
Елате да играете Carcassone, Coloretto, Kahuna, Alhambra, Lost Cities, Race for the Galaxy и много други!
Накрая на разположение като приложение!
Това приложение предлага услугата за Board Game Arena на Board Game Arena в приложение за Android. Ако ви харесва, ние ще го оптимизираме стъпка по стъпка, за да го направим още по-добро приложение, така че моля, подкрепете го :)
Отделете време да играете.
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Играйте със свое темпо. :)
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Открий и Овладей.
Научете нови игри или подобрете уменията си в любимите Ви игри, всичко според Вашето темпо
Нуждаете се от нови предизвикателства? Присъединете се към игрите с класации и посрещнете нови предизвикателства. Най-добрите играчи се издигат в ранковете!
Налични игри (Повече идва всяка седмица!)
Забележка: най-новата версия на списъка с игри е налична тук: https://boardgamearena.com/gamelist
Carcassone, Coloretto, Kahuna, Alhambra, Lost Cities, Race for the Galaxy, Can't Stop, Stone Age, Puerto Rico, Amyitis, Haggis, Tobago, Uncle Chestnut's Table Gype, Troyes / Троа, Diam's, Hawaii, Dragonheart, Saboteur, China Gold, In The Year of the Dragon, Color Pop, Gomoku, Caylus, Seasons, United Square, Gygès, Jaipur, The Boss, Reversi, Hearts, Takenoko, Niagara, Quarto, K2, Expedition: Northwest Passage, Quoridor, Tournay, Battle Sheep, Yahtzee, Cinco, Табла, Сенет, Machiavelli, Libertalia, Neutreeko, Perudo, Nautilus, Koi-Koi, P.I., Pylos, Elfenland, Djambi, Gear & Piston, Kabaleo, Targi, Thermopyles, Isaac, Дама, Sobek, Hive, Tzolk'in, Шах, Spyrium, Tokaido, Time Masters, Armadöra, The Jelly Monster Lab, Hex, 6 nimmt!, Twin Tin Bots, Kalah, Through the Ages, 8 Masters' Revenge, Koryŏ, Hanabi, Polis: Fight for Hegemony, Tash-Kalar, Quantum, Assyria, The Palaces of Carrara, Florenza: The Card Game, Lords of Xidit, Noir: Killer versus Inspector, Colt Express, Metromania, Dark Agent, Le Dernier Peuple, Bombay, Battle of LITS, Сянци, Keyflower, Logger, Dungeon Twister, Evo: The “Game no Name”, Nile, Four Color Cards, Madeira, Love Letter, crazyfarmers, Hack Trick, Jump Gate, Belote, Oh Hell!, Dragon Line, KQJ, Legendary Inventors, Eruption, Celestia, Nippon, Go, Remember When, Bubblee Pop, Caribbean All Fours, Secret Moon, Russian Railroads, Nine Men's Morris, Tablut, Lines of Action, Incan Gold, Alveole, Takara Island, Lewis & Clark, Stir Fry Eighteen, The Builders: Middle Ages, Gaïa, Veggie Garden, Outlaws: Last Man Standing, Coup, The Battle for Hill 218, Battleships Pencil & Paper, Origin, Innovation, Roll for the Galaxy, Ice Cold Ice Hockey, Khronos, Solo, Dragon Keeper: The Dungeon, Signorie, Krosmaster Arena, Taluva, Hypnosia, Dice Forge, French Tarot, Guildes, Eminent Domain, 7 Wonders, Копчета, Briscola, ruhr, thebuildersantiquity, pennypress, Blooms, pontedeldiavolo, toc, notalone, clansofcaledonia, throughtheagesnewstory, werewolves, For Sale, Кралската гилдия, Kingdomino, Circle of Life, Dragon Castle, saintpoker, palace, skat, lagranja, GORami, NXS, sapiens, Мамалат, finity, yokohama, Red7, ginkgopolis, Sushi Go!, explorationwarzone, veletas, ninetynine, Теотихуакан: Градът на боговете, marram, Potion Explosion, papayoo, rallymangt, Йокай, Con Sonar!, Bobail, bigtimesoccer, Connect Four, Маракеш, ToeShamBo, hungariantarokk, Коинш, barbu... и още!